Thursday, May 29, 2014

Making Wearable Tech Actually Wearable

Design. It's all about design. Products with beautiful design speak for themselves, they market themselves and they sell themselves. Why? Because people get excited about them, people tell a friend, people don't have to be convinced. If you can create something that is actually designed from inside the mind of a customer, then I believe it will take on a life of its own.

This is what we are trying to do at WOOband, and it is extremely extremely difficult. The wrist is prime real estate on the body, so in order for a user to wear a phone loss wristband, it has to really be aligned with their image. 

How do we make a WOOband that stands out from other wearable products?
How do we make a wristband in a style that will delight our customers? 
How do we make a wristband that you will actually enjoy wearing? 

These are the questions we ask, over and over and over and over because I believe these questions can make or break us. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Preparing for Kickstarter

WOOband seeks to launch a Kickstarter campaign at the end of August 2014 however we know this takes much preparation. It is not as simple as logging on and letting the donations flow. We need to take time to understand a reasonable goal that we think we can reach, but will also allow us to fulfill our promise of a great product. We need to identify rewards we think people will be interested in and develop a marketing plan for our campaign. Preparing for a Kickstarter campaign has become a full time job. Before the launch of the campaign, we are trying to have all of our 'ducks in a row' so to speak. We want to be able to put this product into product and deliver as quickly as possible for our backers when we get funded.

 It's all worth it because I believe we have what it takes to really make it, to take this funding and build an amazing product that people will love. 

Hopefully we can one day add this to our website:
