Sunday, August 17, 2014

Start Up Business Model - WOOband Case Study

Make Your Business Model Work For You
If you want your business to be successful, you must at a minimum have a strong business model. Your business model will consist of four distinct sections.

Four Sections of a Business Model

Product/Service Offering
What unique product or service are you offering the marketplace as a solution to a common problem?
Any new product or service should offer customers a unique way of solving a problem. Every problem in the world should be viewed as an opportunity, an opportunity to come up with a solution (a new business) to solve the problem. When we started WOOband, we started with one of the most common problems on the planet today, losing your phone. From there we came up with what we thought was the best solution for solving the problem and then tested it in the marketplace. We were simply sick of losing my phone and hearing endless stories of phone loss in the world. Problem = Opportunity.

Target Market
What specific target market is going to buy your product or service?
With WOOband we originally thought our target market would consists of only highly intoxicated (drunk) college students. However, we began to think bigger and realized that one of the best markets would be a market with more buying power and the same issues. We came to realize that nearly 1/3 of all elementary students own expensive smartphones. Armed with this knowledge, we decided to target the parents of young children as well as our original market. Remember it is okay to have more than one target market when starting out, but do not get carried away with having too many. Target no more than three markets when starting out so that you can get to know everything you can about them: where they buy, how they buy, why they buy, who influences them, etc. It will also help you to keep your marketing costs much lower. Below is how we define our two main target markets for WOOband.

Target Markets

Target Market Buying Cycles
Each of your different target markets should have a distinct customer buying cycle. Essentially you need to understand the buying process of your potential customers. What steps do they go through before purchasing your product or service. If you have not made any sales than you can look at the way the customer purchases similar products or services. Below shows how we distinguish the buying cycles of our two different target markets.

Mike and Carol Brady Buying Cycle

Zach and Kelly Buying Cycle

Marketing Plan
How are you going to market to your defined target market? How are you going to make them aware of your product or service, and how are you going to get them to buy your product or service?
The marketing of a business is where he real magic of a business starts to happen. To be honest with you, it’s easier than you think to come up with a cool new idea, but if you can’t convince people to buy it, you have no business. Just think about how many different brands of successful athletic shoe exist today, the list is endless. The reason most of them continue to be successful is that they all have their own target markets and targeted marketing strategies. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT have a successful marketing strategy if you don’t first have a target market. Marketing needs to be tailored specifically to your target market. Just think about it, will a retired husband and wife living in Florida be reading/watching/visiting the same things as a newly wedded couple in Ohio? Absolutely not! Hundreds of millions of dollars are wasted all the time on expensive marketing campaigns. Some of the most wasteful marketing dollars are in media advertising. Your marketing campaign must be frequently in the face of your TARGET MARKET. At WOOband we use a highly targeted social media campaign for the High School/Young College Students. For our parent market (elementary school students), we rely more heavily on parenting blogs and product review sites (see below). We also target PTSO and orthodontist newsletters. As I mentioned earlier, it is completely okay to have more than one target market, as long as you realize that your marketing campaigns should be different for each market.

Example - Matching Buying and Selling Cycles

Economics of the Business
How is your business going to make money?
When you get someone to buy your product or service you have a business, but you don’t have a successful business until you have a positive bottom line (net income). You need to know four key numbers at all times in your business.
  • ·    What price are you charging for your product or service?
  • ·    What are the variable costs associated with your product or service?
  • ·    What are the fixed costs associated with the business?
  • ·    What are your startup costs associated with the business? How much money will it cost you to get the business up and running and sell your first unit?

Armed with the answers to these four basic questions, you can take your business into the marketplace and test your business model assumptions. As you take feedback from what the market is telling you, then you can adjust the business model as you go. Perhaps you have a great product, but the target market you thought would be buyers turns out not to be the right market. You can then adjust the target market, which should change your marketing plan to make sure that it is applicable to that new target market.
While I would recommend having a fully fleshed out business plan before going into business, having at least a business model to start with will drastically improve your new company’s ability to be successful.

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