Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Dread and Necessity of Doing a Business Plan

Currently the WOOband team is in the process of putting the final touches on our business plan. And let me tell you right now, there is about 0% fun in doing a business plan. It is a ton of work if you do it properly. It's page after page of endless web research. It's page after page of writing. It's page after page of editing and formatting. And the really fun part is when you change something in one section of the plan; it will affect almost every other section. It is truly a grueling process. But you know what? In the end, having a good plan is a necessity to running a successful business. It forces you to answer the really tough questions in detail. It builds you a living breathing roadmap to follow. And when things get tough in your business, you can target what was wrong with the plan and adjust accordingly.

The pitfalls of people who don't do plans is that they end up jotting down a few cool ideas, then decide who might buy them, figure out one or two really cool ways to reach the customer, and then say Price - Cost = (hopefully) Profit. Anyone can do that. And that is why so many businesses fail and usually fail after committing substantial amounts of money to the idea. Do you really understand the market you are going after or are you just assuming because you are the market that everyone behaves like you? Do you understand the markets buying behavior? How big the actual market is or could be? What about reaching that market (marketing)? Have others done it successfully before you? Do you have something unique to offer the potential customer? I could list question after question that needs to be answered before going forward and building a business. The fact is, you must have a plan or odds of success are highly against you.

Two things to understand:
1. I do believe that actions speak louder than words and that many people can build map after map and never actually take the journey. The same can be true of business planning. I'm not saying plan to death. But would you go on the football field without practicing and planning? Of course not! And hopefully you would put a decent amount of time into practicing and planning before going out on the field. The same should be done for your business.

2. There are exceptions to every rule. I know plenty of successful people who never had a formal business plan. But just think, what if they did have a plan? Could they have been even more successful? Give yourself an extra boost to being successful and build the plan; because trust me, when it comes to building a business you should take any boost you can get.

There are a ton of great resources out there for free that can give you an outline of what should be in a business plan. Just do a quick Google search of “business plans” and see what you get.

Write the plan. Know what you are selling; know who will buy it; know how you will convince them to buy; and most importantly know how your business will actually turn a profit. Once you do that, TAKE ACTION, TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

Co-Founder/CEO – WOOband
Dream Big or Die Small
Reformed Broker Turned Entrepreneur

Texas Born, Florida Grown

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